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戦国Ⅰ 三十日 朝日時基、中院通秀に、同家領加賀国額田荘年貢の納入を誓約する。(Sengoku I On the 30th, Asahi Tokimoto promised to deliver payments of tithes from Nukata no Shō estate to Naka no In Michihide)


戦国Ⅰ 三十日 朝日時基、中院通秀に、同家領加賀国額田荘年貢の納入を誓約する。(Sengoku I On the 30th, Asahi Tokimoto promised to deliver payments of tithes from Nukata no Shō estate to Naka no In Michihide)

「中の院文書」(寛正二年)一四六一年 (Naka no In Household Documents, Kanshō 2, 1461)

寛正貳年十二月卅日        右衛門尉(朝日)
時基 判

This is yet another promise by Asahi Tokimoto directly to Naka no In Michihide, saying that of the tribute yet to be paid, 40 kanmon would be delivered to Kyoto during the first month, for which Tokimoto had sent a messenger ahead to state as much. The remaining 30 kan and 600 mon would be paid during the second month. In the event that they did not pay in the first month (thereby breaking their promise) and payments did not arrive until after the second month, then they would relinquish their post as daikan and allow all tribute to be directly administered by Naka no In in perpetuity.

© Greg Pampling. This page was modified in December 2011